Caraway Seeds: Unveiling the Potential Link to Type 2 Diabetes Relief and Chronic Health Benefits
Jun 21, 2023
Picture last night when my mother's voice crackled with excitement over the phone. She had made a recent discovery that brought her a newfound sense of relief and tranquillity. For over twenty years, chronic pain had been an unforgiving companion, a constant reminder of her battle with diabetes.
However, something had changed. For the past couple of weeks, my mother had been diligently brewing an herbal concoction using ajwain seeds, also known as caraway seeds. Intrigued by her remarkable transformation, I embarked on a quest to uncover the secrets behind this seemingly humble remedy. Here's what I uncovered.
Origin and History
Caraway seeds are native to Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. Caraway (Carum carvi) is an ancient herb and spice that has been used for 5,000 years. There are also several types of caraway and cumin that are commonly used in recipes around the globe.
- Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi): also known as ajowan caraway, is reminiscent of thyme and offers a bitter taste. Its caraway seeds are commonly dry-roasted or turned into tea to be inhaled with steam.
- Black caraway (Nigella sativa): the black seeds of Nigella sativa have a triangular shape and a bitter, nutty, and spicy flavour. Other names include black seed, nigella seeds and kalonji)
- Black cumin (Bunium persicum): has a very earthy and heavy taste that is popular in vegetable dishes. Often confused with Nigella sativa.
In the 11th century, Ibn Sina recommended using caraway for weight loss, stomach aches, burping, flatulence, and intestinal spasms. Caraway, sometimes referred to as Meridian Fennel of Persian Cumin, is a biennial flowering plant in the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae family. The Apiaceae family includes celery, carrot, fennel, and parsley varieties, notable for their hollow stems and aromatic qualities.
These unassuming seeds, it turns out, are not only bursting with flavour but also contain a rich source of antioxidants. Lutein and zeaxanthin, powerful carotenoids found in caraway seeds, have been linked to reducing dangerous free radicals in the body. These free radicals, like rogue electrons, wreak havoc by stealing electrons from other cells, leading to various diseases and ailments.
Moreover, consuming adequate amounts of these antioxidants has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure. The connection between caraway seeds and these health benefits is nothing short of intriguing.
What makes caraway seeds truly captivating is their potential to combat chronic inflammation. This type of inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of numerous conditions, including heart disease, dementia, and arthritis. By reducing inflammation, caraway seeds may help lower the risk of developing these ailments and more. The implications for overall health and well-being are truly remarkable.
For centuries, caraway seeds have been employed as a folk remedy to alleviate symptoms of dyspepsia, or indigestion. And now, scientific studies are beginning to support this ancient wisdom.
Emerging research suggests that consuming caraway oil may effectively reduce uncomfortable digestive symptoms. The secret may lie in caraway oil's ability to relax the cramping muscles in the intestines, providing relief and restoring comfort. However, further investigation is required to unravel the precise mechanisms behind this remarkable effect.
Weight management is yet another aspect where caraway seeds have captured the attention of researchers. Some studies indicate that consuming caraway extract could potentially aid in weight maintenance or reduction.
Intriguingly, individuals with higher BMIs were observed to shed pounds without actively altering their diets or exercise routines, simply by incorporating a small daily dose of caraway extract. However, more extensive studies are needed to elucidate the underlying causes of this phenomenon.
While the potential benefits of caraway seeds are truly captivating, caution is advised for individuals with diabetes. Caraway seeds have shown the ability to lower blood sugar levels, making it imperative for those with diabetes to exercise caution when consuming caraway oil, extract, or large quantities of caraway itself.
Excess consumption may lead to a significant drop in blood sugar levels, causing hypoglycaemia. It is crucial for individuals with diabetes to consult their physicians before incorporating caraway oil into their routine to regulate blood glucose levels effectively.
Summary of health benefits
- Improved blood sugar control
- Antioxidant
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Digestive health ā€“ bloating, indigestion, and flatulence. Promotes secretion of enzymes so helping break down of food.
How to take Caraway for blood sugar control
I am merely reporting back how my family consume caraway as a herbal beverage. Besides this, you can add caraway in breadmaking with sourdough bread, added to curries and other forms of cooking.
In a pot of hot water, brew 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds for 5-6 minutes. Sieve out the seeds and drink the tea after a meal or before going to bed.
The potential health benefits of caraway seeds are intriguing and have drawn attention to the possible link to type 2 diabetes relief as well as its effect on chronic health diseases. Chronic information and oxidative stress R2 important causes of type 2 diabetes. Caraway seeds are rich in antioxidants and possess anti-inflammatory properties.
Nonetheless, if you are a diabetic, it's important to control in your enthusiasm. As usual, moderation is key. Caraway seeds may lower blood sugar levels significantly enough to lead to possibilities of hypoglycaemia.
Amongst other reasons, this isn't why it is necessary to consult with your doctor before taking caraway seeds. If you are on medication to control your blood sugar levels, it is even more imperative to speak to your doctor first. Remember, each person's health condition is unique to them. Personalised medical advice is crucial in managing blood glucose levels effectively.
Was there all plenty of animal studies on the benefits of caraway seeds, there needs to be many more studies carried out and particularly human trials. While caraway seeds show promised, the effects may vary person to person, and individuals may respond to the seeds differently.
Incorporating carrier seeds into your diet and nutritional planning maybe quite enjoyable. But remember managing or reversing type 2 diabetes involves better management of food intake, exercise, sleep hygiene, and the management of stress. Please do not think that thereā€™s a miracle drug or food that will cure you of type 2 diabetes.
After living a third of her life with diabetes and its accompanying chronic pain, my mother is finally getting the good nightā€™s sleep and pain-free living she deserves. All it took for her was to have the courage to try something different.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. Always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. The author and publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the information presented herein.